Tuesday, October 30, 2012

THE KILL "Make 'Em Suffer"

Trupa australiana THE KILL, dupa aproximativ  12 ani de existenta au scos primul lor album numit "Make 'Em Suffer". Acesta este un material grindcore ca la carte.Sunetul tobelor este foarte rapid de parca iti ploua cu grindina in curte!De remarcat este faptul  ca tobosarul trupei Jay Jones este si vocalistul trupei Fuck...I'm Dead care nu demult au scos si ei album nou. Credeti-ma ca la tobe tot rupe foarte bine. Sunetul chitarii este destul de raw si aduce aminte de dulcele grind old-school.Bassist nu au dar asta nu este un minus, chitara reuseste sa dea atmosfera necesara si sa evidentieze un sunet violent.As spune ca pana la urma nici nu au nevoie de bass.Vocalul de asemenea este violent, pe alocuri chiar disperat si se incadreaza perfect cu celelalte intrumente. Albumul cuprinde 15 piese care timp de 19 minute iti fute creierul cu stil,cu grind.
Va propun sa audiati o piesa de pe noul album \m/
Nick aka Fieldy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cronica concert KROW, INDEFIANCE, TILL THE LAST DROP, ZAEBISI la Chisinau + interviu cu Guilherme (chitara/voce, Krow)

In seara zilei de 18 octombrie brazilienii de la KROW au sustinut un concert de zile mari in clubul Albion din Chisinau. Concertul a fost in cadru unui amplu turneu european de aproape 3 luni TRACES OF THE TRADE TOUR 2012. Brazilienii au fost insotiti de trupa INDEFIANCE din Romania iar trupele din deschidere au fost Zaebisi si Till the Last Drop (Chisinau). Evenimentul a fost organizat de comunitatea metalistilor psihopati din Moldova - Brutal Basarabia.

Concertul a debutat in ritmuri southern ale celor de la Till the Last Drop, care au deschis concertul in cel mai decent mod, cu riffuri de groove metal, care uneori iti aduc aminte de Pantera. Am remarcat si doua coveruri destul de reusite dupa parerea mea: Ektomorf – I Choke si The Prodigy – Invaders Must Die. E o trupa cu potential, doar ca personal mi se pare ca au nevoie de un alt fel de vocal, imho. Am remarcat ca tobosarul lor face o treaba excelenta.

A doua trupa – Zaebisi, a fost o mare asteptare, cel putin pentru mine, avand in vedere ca ador grindcore-ul si pentru ca cele doua EP-uri ale lor suna destul de bine. Teapa insa, a fost cam dezastruos ce au cantat ei pe scena, cel putin din motivul ca intre cei 3 membri nu a existat o sincronizare muzicala. In schimb, baietii au reusit sa faca show, oamenii s-au distrat si se iarta greselile pentru ca au fost la prima aparitie pe scena. Sper ca isi vor invata lectia, vor munci si pe viitor vor avea concerte mai reusite.

Au urmat oaspetii din Romania, Indefiance, care ne-au bucurat cu un melodic death/doom destul de calitativ. Partea instrumentala - jos palaria, au cantat foarte tehnic si au scos tot ce se putea din sunetul pe care-l poate oferi sala, mai putin insa m-a impresionat vocalista, e doar o parere subiectiva, cu un alt fel de vocal am fi avut pe scena un Insomnium romanesc!

Revelatia serii au fost brazilienii de la KROW, care au fost pentru a doua oara in Chisinau (prima data au fost in 2010 la Brutal Attack Fest VI), unii membri fiind chiar pentru a 3 oara aici. Astia pur si simplu au spart urechile virgine ale multora cu riffuri grele de death metal si sigur s-a simtit influenta asta braziliana/latina care pe mine unu ma incanta. Au facut o atmosfera minunata pe scena, au interactionat foarte bine cu publicul, cred ca s-au simtit minunat la noi. Chemati la bis, au cantat inca 2 piese speciale pentru Chisinau, una din ele fiind un cover pe piesa “Necromancer” de Sepultura. La final baietii ne-au promis ca de fiece data cand vor fi prin Europa vor trece neaparat si prin Chisinau. Cu aceasta ocazie vrem sa dam o palma Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al RM, stimati demnitari, chiar credeti ca o viza pentru Moldova ar trebui sa
coste 60$? Mai ales ca scopul vizitei este unul cultural.

La concert au fost prezenti aproximativ 200 persoane. Publicul a fost divers, am observat ca o buna parte din public erau oameni noi (adolescenti entuziasmati), ceea ce bucura, precum si public mai vechi, mai matur. Nu au lipsit nici moshpit-ul, circlepit-ul, stagediving-ul. Multumim organizatorilor si celor prezenti la concert! In continuare va propunem sa cititi un interviu cu Guilherme (chitara/voce, Krow) acordat echipei BB.

Fieldzy, Brutal Basarabia

Fieldzy, Brutal Basarabia: Greetings Guilherme, and welcome to Chisinau! What is the first thing you did, when your band arrived to Chisinau?
Guilherme, Krow: We arrived here too tired, because we’ve been on tour for two months. Yesterday we played in Iasi, Romania, after the show we came here and the first thing we did – sleep, hehehe. A LOT!!! I slept like a baby.

Fieldzy: What influenced you to create a death metal band?
Guilherme: A lot of things influenced us, like the place where I was born. I have some friends who liked death metal and since I was a kid I used to hear death metal but everything started, I think, like for every teenager on my age, with Slayer, after Slayer I wanted something more extreme, heavier, so I had an idea to make a metal band and because my vocal is too distorted, it doesn’t make sense to me making another kind of music…you know what I mean hehe.

Fieldzy: What changes in the metal scene have you experienced comparing 15 years ago metal scene and the present one?
Guilherme: Man, 15 years ago I haven’t been related to metal because I was 8-9 years old hahaha. I was a kid.
Fieldzy: Let’s refer to you, as a listener?
Guilherme: I can speak about my city in Brazil – what is different. We had positive and negative stuff. Let’s go to the positive first: ten years ago, on my reality, as I am not an European guy it was a struggle to buy an album, you had to go to your friends house to record a tape , and even when all downloading stuff started it was struggle too, I haven’t had internet in my home when I was a teenager so I had to go to another guys place to download some music, it was more value on just one song that you hear so we were big fans of it, it was a dream to see a Slayer album or video on MTV. Nowadays everything is really near, all the information is in your hands, but people, I don’t know if I can say this for sure, sometimes I have the sensation that people have everything in their hands and for them it’s like bullshit, you just push a button and have everything, you go to the store and find everything. 12 years ago it was a dream. First time I saw a guitar in Sao Paulo, relatives of my father were from there, I saw a Gibson. Man, I stocked into the store almost crying, “Fuuuck, a guitar!!!“, and nowadays kids have everything and I don’t know where we are going now cause we are in the middle of the process where nobody have a clue about where music industry will be. mp3s? All info will be on internet? At some point it’s good, but I don’t know where it will be going. So I was created the old-school way.

Fieldzy: Which are the main differences that you see between South-American death metal scene and European death metal scene?
Guilherme: AAA, euro death metal scene have a really big and professional metal scene, and circuits are really big, even if you don’t have 1000 people at a concert, you have 40 concerts with 200 people which works much better to make a tour, you know. In Latin America, actually, it’s not that easy to book a tour. It’s good, the crowd is awesome, I love Brazil, I love to be in Latin America, South American style is who I am, but here this big professional scene and circuit is the main difference in my point of view. If you’re in Germany, for example, you play festivals with big bands and all that stuff but in Brazil it is not that easy to do that, you can do it but it’s not that much.

Fieldzy: What’s the craziest thing you did on this tour?
Guilherme: AHAHAHAHAHAA I have a good story. We were in Russia, hehehohoh, when you say Russia you know what I mean, we got Russian Vodka, A LOT! and with my brother and my friend we bought 5 liters of vodka, we drank and drank and then we bought cola, energy drink, more vodka and when we got to the train station to enter European Union again, on the train station everybody was so insane (South American style), we were talking too loud. At some point a policeman came to us and said: “ You are not going to train like you are now” and then I came to him and said: “Calm down, we are responsible guys, just having fun, we are on tour, we are South American” and he responded “Stop making noise”. When everything calmed down my friend from Undercroft was so drunk that he got his cock out and was pissing all over the street AAAAA. The police guy said: “Yeah, that’s the way you are responsible”. Then in the train we met a couple from Belarus and since then everything was nice and fine. They were old and the guy said to his wife to get out of there and she came back with caviar and 2 liters of vodka and gave it to us. Afterwards my friend went to the bathroom and he didn’t close his pants, he was really drunk, he slept naked in the middle of the train, everybody could see him, old ladies, girls, and when the custom police came to put the stamps we put some towel on him, we looked at the policeman and said “Yes, it’s our friend” and the policeman said: “I’m glad you get out of Russia”

Fieldzy: What are your plans as a band for the next year?
Guilherme: Our agency is fixing 3-4 big shows in countries we’ve never played, in US, few festivals in South America. We have some proposals to move to Europe, to Germany or Romania, to have headquarters, to tour a lot, have some offers from big labels, everything is in process. We will see what’s better. We’ve recorded a video in Bucharest with a guy from Watain and it will be out at the end of November. During the next tour we will be promoting the video and song.

Fieldzy: What do you remember from the first time you’ve played in Chisinau?
Guilherme: COGNAC AND VODKA, crazy crowd, friendly people, every time when we play in Europe I ask the agency to book Chisinau, and I want to play another city beside Chisinau, that’s my personal wish.

Fieldzy: Finally, your message for metalheads allover Moldova
Guilherme: Thanks for all the support and help, friendship, I’ve played for the first time here with Crust Division and Korrozao in that theatre, home of culture, since then I’ve never forgot about Moldova. So I say thank you, to everybody who goes to concerts, for me it’s big honor to have all this hot feeling with the crowd, it’s chemistry. THANK YOU, AND WAIT FOR MORE MASSACRE IN MOLDOVA. Vodka, Cognac, Wine. You can consider me an asshole, but Moldavian girls are awesome, you are happy people.

Nick aka Fieldy

Monday, October 8, 2012

18 Octombrie @ Albion - KROW (Death Metal, Brazilia) INDEFIANCE (Melodic Death, Romania) TILL THE LAST DROP (Southern, Chisinau) ZAEBISI (DiscoGrind, Chisinau)

KROW - death metal original sau autentic sau pula mea numiti-l cum vreti, din Brazilia. Concert in cadrul turneului 'Traces of the Trade' care promoveaza albumul nou al sudamericanilor. Multi au avut ocazia sa-i vada in 2010 la ultima editie BAF cand au vzbizdanit uniunea scriitorilor, cine nu i-a vazut aveti ocazia.
Mai multe piese noi gasiti pe pagina myspace:

INDEFIANCE - death/doom melodic din Arad. O trupa pe placul tuturor suparatilor, sataniujelor cu mintea si sufletul intunecate, cu fier in bot, pe corp, pe maini si nu numai. Asa ca v-ati luat cojencile si la concert. Luati vreo caldare de sange si un sac cu gheata sa fie trv kvlt shi pula!

TILL THE LAST DROP - southern metal din Chisinau. Aceasta trupa trezeste si te pune in miscare. Metal cu cele mai bune traditii, solo-uri incendiare, sunt sigur ca o sa bucure cu ceva cover-uri frumoase. Ce sa mai zic, au avut mai multe concerte in ultima perioada sa vedem ce vor baga de data asta.

ZAEBISI - grindcore revelatia acestei toamne. Mult umor si grohaiala, beaturi si blastbeaturi. Chiar astept sa-i vad, sunt sigur ca va fi disco pe cinste. Cine inca nu a vizionat videoclipul trupei Zaebisi a?

Scurt, clar si po delu: club Albion, ora 19:00. Paza la scena asigurata de echipa BAF. Pretul biletului 80 de lei.
Ne vedem acolo!