Saturday, September 28, 2013

File din istorie: NECROSIS

     Trupa NECROSIS a fost formata in 1995, la inceput se numeau NECROSIS BIRTHRATE. In 1996 au cantat pentru prima data live in sustinerea alegerii presedintelui R.M. Petru Lucinschi. In perioada 1995-1996 au avult loc mai multe schimbari in componenta trupei ca ulterior sa li se alature cei mai buni muzicieni death metal din acea vreme. Dupa destramarea trupei majoritatea membrilor si-au format propriile trupe sau s-au alaturat unora deja existente. Intr-un cuvant aceasta trupa a fost un imbold serios pentru dezvoltarea scenei metal basarabene.
      Incepand din 1994 cand abia se puneau bazele trupei, baietii cantau rock rusesc, rock’n’roll cu influente punk ca mai apoi sa exploreze stiluri ca trash-core(1995), trash/death(1996), death metal/trash(1997) si spre final death/trash/black/grindcore. In acea perioada cand trupele autohtone din primul val de muzica extrema de la inceputul anilor 90 ( Zombie attack, Sarcoma I, Sarcoma II, Supposed Blasphemy, Soul Absurd, Uthopia, Mistral, Accident, L.S.D., Paradox, Exorcist, Marazm, Noise, Pantheon etc) erau desfiintate sau pe ultima suta de metri, NECROSIS a fost o punte spre al 2-lea val care la randul sau a cuprins trupe ca Witch Desire, Inferialis, Ad Patres, Empathologocal Necroticism, Seas on the moon, Suicide, Fatal etc. Au sustinut mai multe zeci de concerte atat in Chisinau cat si in Tiraspol, au organizat festivalul „Renasterea Brutalitatii” (Возрождение Брутальности) si o multime alte concerte atat lor cat si altor trupe. Au fost inregistrate cateva live-uri si 2 demo-uri: „Hydrocephalus” – 1997 si „Golem” – 1998. Au dat mai multe interviuri la radio si la emisiuni tv ca Rock Vagon, Metallunatic s.a. In 1998 trupa s-a destramat insa ulterior a inceput un nou val cu trupe (Disentomb, Butchers/Abnormyndeffect, Sepsys, Carneval, Dakon, Chordewa, Offertorium, Aeon of death, Neuromist, Need 4 speed etc) care au fost influentati cel putin de activitatea trupei NECROSIS.

     Iata membrii care au facut parte din trupa:
VLAD de "S.@.D." - Vocals, texts, arrangements, deathsign
YURA"VASIA" - Vocals
VADIM "SAMOLYOT" - Back vocals,Guitars/solo
ALEXANDR "GALITSYN" - Guitars/rhythms
MAXIM "MüLLER" - Guitars/rhythms
VLAD LOZANOV - Guitars/arrangements
STASIK - Guitars
VICTOR "GOBLIN" - Bass,Guitars rhythms/solo
MAXIM "BOMJ" - Bass/music&arrangements
NAZAR "ZAZA" - Drums/director

Va invit sa audiati o piesa de pe demo-ul "Golem" 1998

Celelalte piese le puteti audia pe canalul nostru youtube

                                                                                Live de la ultimul lor concert

Nick aka Fieldy

File din istorie: CARNEVAL

Pentru ca de-a lungul istoriei  au existat mai multe trupe care au influentat intr-o oarecare masura cultura metal-ului basarabean am decis sa aducem la lumina istoria si creatia unor trupe care deja si-au incetat activitatea dar au lasat o amprenta importanta in muzica extrema autohtona.

Prima trupa pe care va propunem s-o cunoasteti este CARNEVAL (gore/grindcore Chisinau)

Trupa a fost infiintata pe 27 noiembrie 2005. La inceput au fost 4 membri: Egor (tobe), Andrei (chitara), Vlad (bass) si Catalin (vocal). Mai tarziu Vlad a parasit trupa si baietii au continuat sa cante fara bass. Aproximativ dupa un an, pe 4 octombrie 2006 baietii au inregistrat un demo intitulat "Die Next Time". Dupa inregistrari Catalin a parasit si el trupa. Dupa mai mult timp au gasit un nou vocalist, Andrei care abia a debutat in scena metal locala. Si-au incetat activitatea prin 2008-2009. Au dat mai multe concerte prin cluburile din Chisinau, cei care au reusit sa-i vada/asculta live cu siguranta isi amintesc cu nostalgie de acele dezmaturi!
Mai jos puteti audia piesa "Die Next Time" de pe demo-ul lor cu acelasi nume.

Celelate piese le puteti asculta pe canalul nostru youtube

Nick aka Fieldy

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Duminica, 13 octombrie, Brutal Basarabia si Inkaholic Studio va invita la prima editie TULBUREL METAL FEST.

TRASHLESS (trash metal maniacs din Estonia), ideea de a fi o trupa a aparut inca in 2010, s-a transformat in realitate insa abia in 2012, au inregistrat  albumul de debut "Awaiting rebirth" si acum sunt gata sa va aduca energia si agresivitatea live, in Chisinau.

IN ARKADIA (modern death metal/core din Franta) - o trupa din Lyon, formata inca din 2005 au inregistrate 4 albume, ultimul fiind chiar din 2013 - "Eyes of the Archetype".

SELF PROGRAMMED DEAF (groove metal, Moldova) - dupa cum bine stiti SPD e ex-Sound Park, intotdeauna au reusit sa faca o atmosfera interesanta live si probabil ne vor bucura cu ceva material nou.

THE CURSED (death-trash, Moldova) - dupa mai multe concerte live s-a observat o evolutie pozitiva in activitatea trupei, deci sa vedem ce ne-au pregatit de aceasta data \m/

HARMASAR (folk/metal Moldova) -  e o trupa relativ noua si destul de promitatoare si e una din putinele trupe autohtone sau chiar unica ce canta folk metal, deci chiar merita incurajati \m/

Ora: 18:00
Pret : 80 lei
Tipografia 5 ( str V. Pircalab 45)
Va asteptam pe toti.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Interviu cu Armin Schweiger (vocal, AFGRUND)

BB: Welcome to Brutal Basarabia and thanks for taking the time to talk with us.
Armin: You're welcome! Ahoj to the people out there!

BB: For those who don’t know about your band, can you tell shortly how you see yourselves?
Armin:Well that's quite easy. We are a bunch of guys with a serious love for grindcore. And we try doing grindcore just the way it should sound in our opinion. That's it, pretty much. 

BB: The album ”Corporatocracy” has been released few months ago. What has been the reaction from fans and critics alike?
Armin:I really can't tell so far, since i'm not after reviews. Every now and then i get one to read, if a friend forwards it to me. The reaction of fans is pretty rad, i'd say. People appreciate the slight change of style. I guess on our europe-tour with MUMAKIL in march 2013 it was mostly the Corporatocracy-stuff that made people friggin mad.

BB: Who writes the music and lyrics for afgrund? From where you get inspiration?
Armin:We all write the lyrics together, when we meet for recording sessions. The basic songs are mainly written by Enrico, but the details are done by the whole band. Our inspiration comes from a wide range of bands and genres. From oldschool deathmetal like Repulsion and Autopsy over 70's retro and 80's punk/hc/thrashmetal to even modern grind/crust bands. 

BB: What influenced you to be a part of a grindcore band?
Armin:Well i got in touch with grind when i was 16, 17 maybe. I played drums in a Blackmetal-band then, but grindcore started to really own me at this time. In 2000 i founded DISTASTE, cause i had to play grindcore, no way back, hahaha! I had some more or less serious projects and bands (deathmetal, hardcore, etc) since then, but the only everlasting band was and still is DISTASTE. When we played at a Mieszko-tribute show in Slovakia, we met AFGRUND (with founding member and singer Andi then). A few weeks later they asked me to join the band, cause Andi was supposed to quit. It's a kind of passion, that just won't let me stop grinding.

BB: What plans do you have for touring?
Armin:At this time there are no certain plans, we just know we will tour again in 2014. 

BB: Can you tell about the funniest or craziest thing happened to you in a concert/tour?
Armin: Uh, that's way too much to tell. Jeje and Tom of Mumakil gave us priceless moments en masse on our tour 2013, but in general it is always fun to tour. As one can imagine, touring is always connected with alcohol and other substances. And this gives you the best experiences. But i can't go further in details, cause i don't wanna embarrass anybody, hahahaha 

BB: When afgrund is not afgrund, what do you do to pass the time?
Armin:To be honest, sometimes even i do not know how all that is possible. I am working 6 days a week as tattoo-artist, which is taking a lot of prcious time. I guess one of the most easing things is, that none of my bands ever practice. There is simply no time to rehearse since my numerous bandmates also play in many different bands. Write songs at home, send em to your mates, rearrange some stuff, add some nice details like transitions, breaks and stuff – done. When we go on tour, we meet one day earlier, just to go through the songs once, to ensure everybody got his part right. 

BB: Any local sweedish bands we should look out ? What is the sweedish Metal scene like?
Armin:Actually i cannot tell you anything about the swedish scene since i am from austria. But from what i've heard it's not supposed to be very different from somewhere else (eastern europe is THE exception!!!). Never been there, which is going to change soon hopefully. 

BB: Can we hope that you’ll have a tour in East Europe? Maybe a concert in Chisinau, Moldova?
Armin:Well, i can't promise you that. But if we tour europe again next year, we probably won't visit exactly the same places we went 2013. Actually it is all in the hands of the potential booking agency. From what i've heard from my colleagues in other bands, it must be hell. And i am sure to check this so called hell out myself, hahahaha! I love it when people go mad, that gives me a creepy kind of enthusiasm. Nothing tops that feeling. 

BB: Thank you very much for talking to us! Do you have anything you would like to say to metalheads all over Moldova?!
Armin:Thank YOU, it was a pleasure! I hope to have the privilege of experiencing the moldavian crowd one day. Until that – stay enthusiastic, stay crazy, stay grind! See you in the pit!
Nick aka Fieldy