Saturday, November 23, 2013

Interviu cu SLAVEBREED + review-ul albumului "Dethrone the Architect"

BB: Welcome to Brutal Basarabia and thanks for taking the time to talk with us.
Pavlos: We thank you for the opportunity you have given us to present our work / material through Brutal Basarabia zine.

BB: For those who don’t know about Slavebreed can you shortly describe your band?
Pavlos: The band started in late 2004 by Pavlos and Kostas, from the remains of Pavlos' older deathcore side-project band with the same name. After some line-up changes we ended up as we are today, having released two full lengths, one split, a demo rehearsal and have taken part in some compilations and tributes. Right now we work on new material for two split 7” releases coming up soon.
BB: The album „Dethrone the Architect” was released last year, can you tell us about the writing/recording process of your material? ( who write the lyrics and the music? )
Pavlos: We all work together and take part in the preparation of new material. We are 5 people with different taste in music and various influences. That, in combination with the fact that we have known each other for many years, generates the result reflected to each of our releases. As far as the lyrics concern, that is our singer's job, Lambros. We totally trust him on this task, as he perfectly represents our restless minds and beliefs with whatever he has done up until now.

BB: What inspired you play grindcore?
Pavlos: Many inspirations, but mainly the recent situation occurred by economy crisis that has affected everybody's lives around the globe. As in all kinds of extreme sound, similarly in grindcore scene there are messages and themes that diverse. Those who listen to grindcore music know exactly the situation evolving in this certain scene.

BB:  How your local grindcore scene looks like? Can you recommend some grindcore bands from Greece?
Pavlos: Greece has always had many good bands, but they used to move mostly between brutal death metal/black metal/thrash metal areas, not many people were very familiar or too passionate about grindcore. This situation has been altered through the last few years. Many awesome bands made their appearance, committed to create music that follows the "grind way" and that seems to be partly a result of the (social/political) pressure we have experienced until now from the very-well organized game of media and global economy crisis. The best case is to check on the extreme sound of Greek scene, like I said there are many remarkable bands that deserve your attention.

BB: Besides your musical activity what do you do?
Pavlos: As it is common, besides the band, we all have our jobs and work virtually the entire week. Unfortunately it is unthinkable (I would say nearly impossible) to earn your living or even cover your basic needs through grindcore. After all we play grindcore for our pleasure, we do it because we enjoy it, and that’s more than enough for us, no questions asked. Only behemoths of the genre as Napalm Death have achieved that! hahaha!:)

BB: Do You have any plans for touring in 2014? Would you like to make an East European Tour? Maybe a concert in Chisinau, Moldova?
Pavlos: From the summer of 2012 and after the release of "Dethrone the Architect" we have been doing as many tours as feasible to present and support our material. There are already some scheduled plans for 2014 and of course we are more than willing to play anywhere we are invited, as long as the cost of gas for transportation is covered. Moldova is a country we've never been before and is surely included in our future plans.

BB: Can you tell about a funny or crazy thing happened to you in a tour/concert?
Pavlos: I don't know about funny, but it sure was crazy, weird and totally unexpected...It happened a few weeks ago, while heading on a mini tour in Netherlands-Belgium-France, we encountered a problem with the car rental company of our van. We weren't allowed to pick up the car because of "bureaucratic problems". Needless to say that we ended up waiting for 9(!) hours after our arrival at the airport of Amsterdam, before we managed to solve the problem and get ourselves behind the wheel. Eventually after a lot of effort, broken nerves and swearing(!) everything went well. I cannot speak about a specific funny incident, as they are too many to choose from! One of the best things about touring with your band is that fun and laughter is always flawless, like it should be of course in such cases and events.

BB: What’s the last album you liked very much?
Pavlos: Normally I should say:"there are many amazing albums out there...bla...bla...bla..." BUT, who cares! The best release for 2013 as far as concerns the extreme sound is "This world is dead" of French BLOCKHEADS!!!

BB: Except the grindcore, what kind of music do you like? For example when you’re on the road to the concert what do you listen?
Pavlos: Like I mentioned before our influences and preference in music vary. Music goes along with mood and emotions and vise versa, mood and emotions can be carried away by music. Depending on the mood, we listen to whatever music pleases us best while on tour and not only.

BB: Thank you very much for talking to us! You have a message for metalheads from Moldova?
Pavlos: Thank you from heart for this interview. Support the small bands because they really deserve it. Hope to see you soon in Moldova! Cheers!!!

Slavebreed este o trupa grindcore din Grecia. S-au format in 2004, in 2007 au inregistrat live un mini-cd care a inclus 4 piese, si dupa nici un an, in 2008 au inregistrat primul lor album "Pain Syndicate" care a fost foarte apreciat de fanii muzicii grindcore.In 2011 au scos un split cu trupa Hibernation, iar in 2012 au scos cel de-al doilea full-lenght "Dethrone the Architect".Albumul contine 14 piese printre care si coverul piesei "Dog Eat Dog" a trupei Disrupt. Ca sound, albumul este un mix foarte reusit de grindcore/death metal cu influente hardcore si crust. Inca de la prima piesa " A New Plague Upon Us" micul intro cu sunetul sirenei care parca te atentioneaza: "Vine ciuma peste noi" initiaza ascultatorul in atmosfera dementiala a albumului. Toate piesele mi-au placut insa dintre ele as evidentia: "Avaritia" , "Plebeians" "Preaching to the Fallen", "Dethrone the Architect".Daca e sa caracterizez instrumentalul as zice ca e o adevarata masinarie grindcore.Atat tobele cat si chitarile dau tonul agresiv in concordata ideala cu mesajul lor socio/politic. Vocalul suna violent si agresiv. Pe aceasta cale vreau inca o data sa-i multumesc pentru ca mi-a trimis acest minunat cd.In linii generale albumul rupe, e energic, agresiv, facult ca la carte: de la productie pana la artwork. E un must have/listen pentru fiecare ascultator de grindcore.

Nick aka Fieldy

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Brutal Basarabia si Axa Valaha prezinta ultimul concert metal din 2013!
In cadrul "Legende Romanesti Tour 2013", NEGURA BUNGET (Transilvanian Black Metal, Romania) revin in Chisinau.

Vom avea ocazia sa vedem live si prima trupa death/doom din Romania, fondata in 1991 in Arad - GRIMEGOD

Oaspetii din Suedia - TERMINAL PROSPECT (Thrash metal) ne vor arata live ce-nseamna scoala suedeza de metal.

Suport local va fi trupa autohtona THE WARD (Atmospheric death metal, Tiraspol)

5 decembrie Va asteptam in Club Albion
Ora 19:00
Pret: 100 mdl

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Lethal Outcome este o trupa technical thrash metal care a activat in 2007-2008. In componenta trupei au fost Dumitru Demciu - vocal si Eugen Scobioala - chitara. Momentan activitatea trupei este oprita pe un termen nedefinit.

Cateva din piesele lor le puteti audia pe canalul nostru youtube

Nick aka Fieldy

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cronica concert KROW, VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC & NEUROMIST

   Pentru iubitorii de muzica extrema seara de vineri s-a dovedit a fi una memorabila avand in vedere multitudinea de stari traite de fiecare ascultator si artist in parte.
Baietii de la Neuromist au fost foarte receptivi si s-au mobilizat repede pentru inlocuirea trupei initial anuntate Abnormyndeffect, din cauza unor probleme de sanatate, Nicu, vocalistul Abnormyndeffect nu-si mai poate continua activitatea in cadrul trupei. Ii uram multa sanatate si puteri sa treaca peste aceasta problema.
   Mare a fost surpriza cel putin pentru mine sa-l vad pe Dumitru Rusu (vocal Aeon of Death) in calitate de vocalist al celei mai calitative si promitatoare trupe technical/progressive death metal din Moldova – Neuromist. Chiar il apreciez foarte mult pe omul asta care intotdeauna isi aduce aportul in dezvoltarea scenei  locale cu toate posibilitatile si toata dragostea ce o poarta pentru muzica metal. Muzical vorbind vocalul se incadreaza perfect cu partea instrumentala ceea ce nu e deloc  o treaba simpla. Instrumentistii la fel si-au facut treaba excelent, mi-au placut absolut toti, la ce atmosfera dementiala au facut e si firesc. Pe alocuri publicul a fost cam pasiv dar asta probabil a fost din cauza ca fiecare incerca sa patrunda cat mai profund in esenta pieselor.
    Dupa asemenea incordari de creier, a venit timpul pentru dans si voie buna. Ingredientul principal desigur ca au fost gore/grindrerii austrieci VxPxOxAxAxWxAxMxC. Intro-urile pieseleor foarte inspirate + energia din fiecare piesa au “obligat” publicul sa se distreze de minune. Baietii au fost foarte prietenosi, au facut show,au facut glume, au comunicat cu publicul, chiar au invitat pe scena cativa doritori de a-si arata talentele in materie de gore/grind. Eu unul am ramas foarte impresionat de prestatia lor live si m-am rupt foarte bine.
   Au urmat apoi prietenii nostri brazilieni KROW care au cantat live in Chisinau pentru a 3-a oara. Tin sa mentionez ca si de data aceasta au fost nevoiti sa achite vize pentru a intra in tara, deci MUIE autoritatilor moldave responsabile de asta. Ca intotdeauna, death metallerii brazilieni ne-au oferit o atmosfera infernala. Si de aceasta data am ramas impresionat de maiestria cu care acesti muzicieni adevarati manuiesc instrumentele. Special pentru publicul moldovenesc au iesit la biss si sigur ca au avut si o recompensa pe masura – satana coniac!
   Publicul ca deobicei a fost foarte divers ca varsta, ma bucura faptul ca am vazut multi tineri iubitori de muzica extrema. Toti au dansat si s-au simtit bine. Sunetul de asemnea a fost pe masura. Multumiri organizatorilor, in speciala lui Mihai (Coro) de la Axa Valaha. Pe aceasta cale ii uram La multi ani! Nu in ultimul rand multmuiri si publicului prezent \m/

Impreuna sustinem scena metal autohtona. Ne vedem la urmatoarele cumatrii!

Nick aka Fieldy