Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cerebral Effusion - Idolatry Of The Unethical (review)

1. Exposed To Abjection
2. Narcissistic Taphonomy
3. Unscrupulous Inebriated Emaciation
4. Consummation
5. Lingering Pulse Of Laceration
6. Terminally Decimating Neurogenesis
7. Defamatory Fetish

Un album care il asteptam foarte mult in acest an, in care mi-am pus mari sperante a venit din partea butcheri-lor din Tara Bascilor (Spania), care au semnat recent cu cei din New Standart Elite.

Munca depusa in ultimii 10 a inceput sa dea roade inca din 2010, an in care ''Impulsive Psychopathic Acts'', a fost desemnat unul din cele mai bune albume de pe felie, unde au impartit placinta cu Defeated Sanity si Cerebral Bore.
Pastrandu-si radacinile, trupa care incet dar sigur, si-a facut un nume de respectat pe scena death metal. O cheie a succesului dupa parerea mea e ca mereu au pus accent pe naturalete, simplitate dar cu gust, fara goana dupa viteza si pacate sintetice. De asta aveam nevoie in zilele astea, suprasaturate de balvanci cu blevotina, de un brutal intelectual la 4 ace, vertical, macabru, o bucata de monolit care sa fie sincer cu ascultatorul. 
La sound/productie, acest album nu prea difera de cel din 2010, dar are si particularitatile sale, pe asta chitarile sunt puse mai in fata, devenind si mai clare, riffurile lui Penas si Jabo cuprind tot pachetu intensitate, cand trebuie dau atmosfera, cand e nevoie de niste carbunel in soba, apar la tanc, fiind presurate mereu de flageolete si alte specialitati de casa. Basul la randul sau se strecoara elegant printre acesti 2 baieti, iar Eihar (tobosarul) e piperul si sarea care mentine proaspat acest platou de bucate, in meniu figurand o serie de gravity-blasturi insotite de salturi rapide pe tomuri, sub diverse forme si viteze, paralel joc de pedale care merg ca un ceas elvetian, scazand sau adaugand intensitate cand se cere, deasupra carora ploua cu diferite sunete de la cymbaluri, elegante iarasi si astea.

Partea instrumentala e perfect dozata, albumu a pornit pe o valna de convulsii, iar spre final a scazut precum pulsul unui mortului, toata treaba fiind incununata de vocalul lui Cosme, care e pe de-a dreptul e necrutator, dozat, jocul de intensitate e superb, fara guturale de silicon aruncate aiurea doar de dragul sunetului.

Pentru mine fara indoiala e nr.1 pana acum, daca nici Gorgasm cu tot stuff-ul lor nacrucenii nu l-au detronat, cel mai posibil sa ramana rastignit in top pana la finele anului. Cam asta a fost, daca aveti gura punga, trageti cu urechea mai jos.

..si da, acest album trebuieste de ascultat la niste boxe acceptabile, la alea ale bunicutei tale sau la notebook, nici nu te porni, ca te vei simti de parca rozi niste lolotz.;)

Grotesque and disgusting, the laws of brutality!

Penas, Jabo, Eihar and Cosme - you guys fuckin rule! Cheers and beers!


Videoclipul la ''Unscrupulous Inebriated Emaciation'', a iesit destul de haios
Unscrupulous Inebriated Emaciation

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Interview with Josh (vocals GREEN TERROR, crustgrind, Yucaipa - Inland Empire, USA )

BB: First of all could you tell us about your band Green Terror.
Josh: Green Terror has been around since 2008. We play crustgrind. We like playing for 5 people our 500. As long as we are high on hashish we don't care about anything other than playing loud and fast.

  BB: How did started your journey through musical activity?
Josh: I don't know about the rest of the guys but I got into music when I was 13 and bought Exploited live at the whitehouse. Changed my life. I been a punk ever since.

BB: Do you have/had any musical projects beside Green Terror?
Josh: I am statingan old school death metal band, bit we have no name yet...

BB: What are the mainly artists/bands that influenced you to play grindcore?
Josh: Main bands that made me want to play grind are Old Napalm Death, Terrorizer and Repulsion.

BB: Like a vocalist i guess you're composing the lyrics.From where you get inspiration and what are your main lyrical themes?
Josh: My main lyrical influences are society, anti wat anti government, marijuana and just some silly nonsense once in a while.

BB: Are you working on a new discographyc material?

Josh: We are working on a split 7" with Archagathus, and a self titled 7"... also compiling a discography tape for Grindfather Productions.

BB: How often do you play live? Can you remember the craziest live concert that you had?
Josh: We play 6-12 shows a year usually, sometimes more. Craziest show was definitely when we opened for Excruciating Terror/Nausea/Repulsion in LA last year. The pit was fucking insane...

BB: I watched some of your videoclips and i can say that they're very expressive, who is comming with ideas how the vid should look like?
Josh: I make our videos. I just use whatever crazy shit seems appropriate...

BB: I know that you're in extreme music/scene for a long time, what do you think about extreme scene nowadays?
Josh: There are more posers and hipsters now than 20 years ago but, the scene is bigger and better than ever these days. We are always stoked when a bunch of young kids Noah and get rowdy while we play. Obviously this kind of music wont ever be popular, but I like where the scene is at for the most part.

BB: Could you recommend some band from your area?
Josh: Happy Pill Trauma, Vulva Essers, Final Draft, Bruce Campbell, Dead Issue, Cancer Patient, P.O.O.R., Snuff, and a bunch of others..
BB: Imagine that you'll choose to play another kind of music...which music is closest to you?
Josh: Death Metal or old school hardcore punk.

BB: Except the music, do you have any hobbies? How do you spend your free time?
Josh: My hobbies include smoking lots of hashish and wax dabs, spending lots of "quality" time with my woman, hiking/camping, watching old school exploitation movies, etc...

BB: At the end, BrutalBasarabia crew is sending greetings from Eastern Europe, Republic of Moldova. Do you want to say something for our readers?
Josh: Hopefully we can play in Eastern Europe some day! And thanks for the interview and keep up the work spreading the word about extreme music! Thanks!
