BB: Hello guys. Welcome to BB page!
Our last interview was in November 2013, what happened with Slavebreed in the year that passed since then?
Slavebreed: Hello , as well! Since then, we had a small winter tour in December of 2013. During 2014 we recorded the 7” split, Nekroacropolis, along with our friends, Birdflesh. It is about to be released really soon, by “Screaming Victims”. Also we have arranged to play some concerts, starting from February and plan to announce some more, soon.
BB: Me, and i think many more people are waiting for Slavebreed / Birdflesh split. So how's does it feel to release a split with one of the greatest old school grind core bands?
Slavebreed: We are really honored to share a split release with them. Not only we respect them as a band, but, most importantly, they are our friends. We are excited for this release.
BB: How did you came to idea to make a split? I mean, your last full length, “Dethrone the Architect”, was released in 2012, you could also make another full length.
Slavebreed: We were thinking for a long time to release the split with Birdflesh and also another one, which we plan to release soon. Combining the number of songs together and maybe adding one or two more, we could go for a full length release, but as previously mentioned, releasing two splits was and is the original plan. Another factor is that, from the beginning of 2012 until the half of 2014, our singer was living abroad, so we did not have the luxury to rehearse as before, and it took us some time to organize things.
BB: Will you release the split via a label?
Slavebreed: “Screaming victims” ( ) is the label that will release it, in 500 copies (300 black colored, 100 green colored and 100 clear colored vinyl copies). Makis, the guy behind the label is a friend and a true supporter of underground music.
BB: The split will be only vinyl or later you'll put it on cd also?
Slavebreed: At this moment we do not have a plan to release it as a cd, but who knows? Maybe we will include the songs in a future cd release, as bonus, but at this point, this is an assumption.
BB: The artwork of this split is awesome, who is responsible for your artworks?
Slavebreed: The “Nekroacropolis” cover was made by ADMC07 Artwar ( ). We have also worked with Seth Spiro Anton ( ) and Jasper Swerts / Infested Arts ( ) in the past.
BB: Do you have any plans for 2015? What should we expect from Slavebreed in the coming year?
Slavebreed: Working on the release of a new split and playing some concerts to support the “Nekroacropolis”. We did not perform live at all in 2014, so we are looking forward to that.
BB:2014 ended. What are in your opinion the best releases of this year?
Slavebreed: Some releases that caught our ear would be the ones from the following bands: Jig- Ai, Nausea, Triptycon, Dodsferd, just to name a few.
BB: Recently, i noticed that your greek local scene is great, you have some great bands into grindcore / punk music. Are there any underground bands that we should know?
Slavebreed: Actually there are many good bands in the genre that you mention. You should definitely check out Cut Off, Progress of Inhumanity, Jagernaut, Delete the Mass, Raw Noise Apes, Grassroll and many more. Keep looking and you will find real gems.
BB: At the end do you have any thoughts for our readers?
Slavebreed: Thank you for the support. Keep supporting the underground scene. Although is a cliché message, it is the only thing that can keep the bands alive. Cheers!
Review-ul split-ului Nekroakropolis (BIRDFLESH/SLAVEBREED):

In curand split-ul Birdflesh/Slavebreed intitulat Nekroakropolis va vedea lumina zilei.In format fizic, acesta va fi disponibil doar pe vinyl prin intermediul “Screaming Victims” Materialul contine 9 piese, 6 semnate de Birdflesh si 3 de Slavebreed. Birdflesh au venit cu o portie de raw grind rapid si la tema. Piese ca “Danish Skull” sau “Breakfast Time” iti dau exact grind-ul ala rapid si furios. Cu cateva elemente de black metal, spre exemplu in piesa “Ancient in the Forest”, putem zice ca baietii reusesc sa fie diversi, indiferent de materialul lansat sau de numarul de piese. In rest, este acelasi grind vesel care paleste cu multa forta. Slavebreed a venit cu un sunet ceva mai groove si mai apasator. Grecii au bagat doar 3 piese insa partea lor de split este la fel de intensa ca cea a nordicilor. As zice ca Nekroakropolis e un split echilibrat din acest punct de vedere. Dezlantuirea furiei incepe chiar din primele secunde ale primei piese “Fekete Arnyek”. O abundenta de blastbeaturi si riffuri acompaniate de un growl agresiv pornesc masinaria de grindcore sa sfarme capuri. Sunt sigur ca live ar genera un haos total in sala printre dansatori…
Eu zic ca a iesit o clolaborare foarte buna intre aceste 2 minunate trupe si va recomand sa acordati atentia cuvenita noului release “Nekroakropolis”.