Monday, November 26, 2018

Interviu cu Radu Ghidirim (chitara Abnormyndeffect, B.K.S)

BB: Salutare si bun venit pe paginile BB
In februarie 2018, trupa Abnormyndeffect a implinit 15 ani de activitate. Ce inseamna aceasta perioada pentru tine?
Radu: Cam jumatate din viata. Am inceput un baietel si ma bucur ca si acum muzica e pe primul loc in viata mea. Deci nu a fost doar un hobby.

BB: Povesteste-ne cum s-a nascut trupa Abnormyndeffect si ce v-a influentat in acele timpuri sa va apucati de muzica?
Radu: Ooo. Abnormyndeffect ca nume a aparut in 2004 cand am redenumit trupa din Butchers in Abnormyndeffect. Primul an de formare 2003-2004 cred ca a fost cel mai dinamic din punct de vedere a schimbarilor de membri, stiluri, piese foarte diferite una de alta. Apoi mai aproape de 2005 s-a cam definit ceea ce este ABN si pana in present. Daca vorbim mai exact despre perioada de formare, din punct de vedere muzical am fost influentati de ceea ce era Obscene Extreme la acel moment. Avea Mircea o caseta compilatie cu vreo 40 de trupe una mai cretina ca alta. Apoi datorita internetului am inceput sa tragem muzica cu kilogramele, schimbam CD-uri cu prieteni etc. Plus ne influenta tot ce era impotriva vantului, standardelor. Anti metal, anti death metal, anti tot. Trebuiau sa fie incalcate toate regulile. Aveam o ura groaznica pe clisee in anii ceea J de fapt cred ca o mai am si acum.

BB: Cum era scena metal/grindcore in acea perioada in tara?
Radu: Eee, cam nimic sau foarte putin. Eu am prins cateva din ultimile concerte Empathalogical Necroticism, apoi am luat noi estafeta si au mai fost cateva proiecte intre noi sau oameni apropati (Foetor Mortis, Need4Speed). Poti sa zici ca am fost generatia a doua de death, grind, dupa Necrosis si Empathalogical. Dar au inceput sa apara trupe noi in urmatorii ani - 2004, 2005, 2006. Totusi era interesant ca atunci cand Moldova avea doar o trupa doua de grind tot erau mai multe decat in Romania de exemplu. Vorbesc doar de raportul polulatie / trupe de grind J Se lipea bine grind-ul de moldoveni.
BB: Ce iti amintesti despre primele voastre concerte live?
Radu: Sa stii ca nu foarte multe. Erau betii de adolescenti, iti dai seama. Adica eu nu prea beam inainte de concert niciodata, asteptam dupa. Toate concertele erau diferite, toate erau de mare importanta J cu discutii de toata noaptea dupa, despre ce si cum a mers, ce trebuie de schimbat, facut. Apoi au urmat concerte in afara care tot cred ca erau importante anume la acea perioada. Primele au fost toate in clubul Yellow Submarine, a, si am cantat in centrul orasului in Donduseni. Era al doilea sau al treilea concert, death metal pentru sateni.

BB: Au trecut 5 ani de la lansarea ultimului album ”Curtea Suprema”. Momentan lucrati asupra unui nou material discografic? Daca da poti sa ne oferi detalii privind titlul, cate piese contine si la ce etapa se afla lucrul asupra acestuia?
Radu: Da, avem deja de mult timp un EP gata. Doar ca ziceam sa ne mai adunam sa facem cateva concerte ca sa-l lansam. Eu l-am mai pus la prieteni, cred ca si tie ti l-am pus cand ai fost la mine. Dar asta e, deocamdata e in mapa Top Secret pana ne adunam din nou. Are patru piese, titlul de obicei il bagam inainte sa facem coperta finala si sa-l dam la print.

BB: Cum si cand pregatiti lansarea noului EP? V-ati gandit sa lansati EP-ul prin intermediul unor case de discuri sau site-uri de specialitate? In ce format va fi disponibil?
Radu: Vrem sa-l scoatem pe vinyl si digital. Nu avem inca o intelegere cu cineva anume. Ziceam sa-l scoatem cu Lama Records, Marin si Vicu care au facut magazin de vinyluri in Chisinau.

BB: Prin ce se deosebeste noul material discografic de precedentele? Ma refer la sound si la faptul daca ati adaugat ceva influente muzicale noi.
Radu: Pentru mine e mai rapid, mai complicat un pic si e exact ceea ce as vrea eu ABN sa fie acum. Soundu cred ca e cel mai bun de pana acum. Am lucrat destul de mult la mix si masterizare. Am schimbat tonul la premier comparativ cu materialele precedente. Nu mai e premierul ala caldare de grind ceh de pe Betwin. Basu cred ca e mai bine integrat ca la cele precedente. In fine, trebuie ascultat J

BB: Cum este afectata activitatea trupei de faptul ca tu si Stefan (tobe) v-ati mutat in alta tara? 
Radu: ABN e on hold la moment. Nu am facut piese noi de ceva timp. Dar ne mai apucam cu Stefan sa repetam, am facut acum 2-3 saptamani repetitie pentru Abnormyndeffect. In rest e asa cum e, vietile se schimba. Noi nu vrem sa dam drumul la trupa. Cand o sa avem noi chef, ABN va fi din nou pe scena. Deocamdata nu e nici o presiune, nu avem contracte, deadline-uri. Las sa merga asa cum e viata, cu ups and downs.

BB: In afara de Abnormyndeffect sunteti implicati si in alte proiecte muzicale? Povesteste-ne despre acestea.
Radu: Da, dupa cum stii, eu bag cu o trupa de hardcore din Londra, asa mai old school - BKS (Baptist Killing Spree). Trage spre un hardcore, cum a scris o revista, mai curat, mai esential si probabil mai simplu. Cu ei am turneu acum din Chisinau pana in Praga, 9 orase.
Lucram de ceva timp la un proiect nou cu Stefan si alti membri din UK. Nu avem vreun nume inca, deocamdata scrim muzica si facem repetitii, sa vedem ce iese, sa modelam totul pana intelegem si noi ce facem. Am tras si un demo dar nu e pentru public. Tie ti-l dau daca vrei J

BB: Ai un mesaj pentru cei ce ne citesc?
Radu: Bai, sa fim toti sanatosi si ne vedem curand prin Moldova si Romania. Ma bucur ca apar chestii noi in Moldova, oamenii incearca si experimenteaza. Celor ce o fac le doresc sa o duca pana la capat ca se poate.

Link-uri oficiale:

Nu uitati, pe 30 noiembrie ne vedem la concertul DIY Live: BKS (fast hardcore, London, UK) + Local Support

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

14 decembrie 2018 Busola lanseaza albumul "FABULO$$" @ Chisinau, Club Seven

Pe 14 decembrie 2018, trupa chisinauiana de stoner metal BUSOLA va lansa cel de-al doilea album intitulat "FABULO$$". Concertul de lansare va avea loc in clubul Seven din capitala. Biletele la concert vor fi disponibile in reteaua (presale 70 lei) iar in ziua concertului la intrare - 100 lei. Sustine trupele locale!

Link event: Lansarea albumului "Fabuloss"

Busola on facebook
Busola on bandcamp

Monday, October 29, 2018

08.12.2018 - Beyond the Pleasure (UA) + Local Support @ Seven Club, Chisinau

Pe 8 decembrie, trupa Beyond The Pleasure (metalcore, Kiev, UA) vor sustine un concert la Chisinau in clubul Seven.

Beyond The Pleasure - metalcore/djent, Kiev UA

Local Support:
1000Facez - Alternative, Chisinau, MD

Alister Mars - Industrial Metal, Chisinau, MD

8 decembrie 2018
Ora: 20:00
Club Seven, Chisinau
Support artisti: 70 lei

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

30 noiembrie 2018 - DIY Live: BKS (Fast Hardcore, UK) + Local Support

Salutare prieteni! Brutal Basarabia impreuna cu Ministerul Subculturii prezinta cel de-al doilea concert din seria "DIY Live". Invitatii nostri BKS (Baptist Killing Spree) vin din "capitala" punk-ului european - Londra, UK si vor porni in turneu in Europa de Est care va include concerte in: Chisinau,  Iasi 01.12Brasov 02.12Bucuresti 03.12 alaturi de Scandal (punk rock cinstit, Londra/Bacau) si Heresy (crossover thrash, Costa Rica)  si Cluj-Napoca 05.12 , Timisoara, Banská Bystrica (SK), Třebíč (CZ), Prague (CZ) alaturi de Flaška Visočini (thrashy punx, Czech Republic)

BKS - fast hardcore (Londra, UK)
Influentati de trupe precum Agnostic Front, Poison Idea, Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, Cro-Mags etc, 4 baieti din Londra au decis sa cante muzica dura si rapida. In 2015 au lansat primul self titled demo iar in 2017 - primul album numit "I Eat Bugs". De-a lungul timpului au sustinut mai multe concerte alaturi de trupe consacrate ale genului punk ca Discharge, The Varukers, GBH, The Restarts, D.O.A., MDC si deja au o reputatie in a livra concerte live super energice. In prezent, la chitara canta Radu Ghidirim (chitaristul trupei Abnormyndeffect).

Local support:

WALK ALONE - crossover hardcore (Chisinau, MD)

SPD - groove metal (Chisinau, MD)

CONTROVERSY - grindcore (Chisinau, MD)

30 noiembrie 2018
Pro Sanatate (Chisinau, intersectia strazilor V. Alecsandri si Alexandru cel Bun)
Support artisti: 100 lei
Link event: DIY Live: BKS + Local Support

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

23.02.2019 - EXTREME NOISE TERROR live in Kiev @ Volume Club

Salutare! Pe 23 februarie 2019, legendara trupa EXTREME NOISE TERROR va sustine un concert live in orasul Kiev, Ucraina. Trupa a fost infiintata in 1985 in orasul Ipswich, UK si este una din cele mai influente trupe de grindcore (oldschool) alaturi de trupe ca Napalm Death, Terrorizer sau Repulsion fata de care s-au evidentiat prin fuziunea de crust punk si grindcore, astfel fiind considerati pionerii stilului crustgrind. 
Asa cum trupe de asemenea calibru vin foarte rar prin Europa de Est, noi recomandam ascultatorilor din Moldova acest event fain.

ENT vor canta alaturi de colegii lor DESECRATION (Death Metal, UK).

Local Support
REMORSE (Old School Hardcore/Grind, Cernihiv)

Zombies Eat My Neighbours (Grindcore / Thrash, Кiev)

Дідько Лисий (Death Metal, Poltava).

23 februarie 2019
Kiev, Ucraina - Volume Club
Tickets info soon
Eveniment organizat de Barefoot Mosh Booking

Monday, October 1, 2018

Trupa H8 a lansat single-ul "Trage"

Trupa H8 (Hardcore, Bucuresti, Romania) a lansat noul single "Trage" extras de pe urmatorul album.
Acesta poate fi ascultat aici:

 sau pe youtube: H8 - Trage

Pagini oficiale:

Friday, September 28, 2018

17 noiembrie 2018 - Luna Amara si Coma live in Chisinau @ Seven Club

Salutare prieteni. Pe 17 noiembrie 2018 trupa Luna Amara revine la Chisinau in cadrul turneului de lansare a albumului "Nord". In cadrul aceluiasi eveniment trupa Coma va reveni la Chisinau dupa aproximativ 9 ani.

Luna Amara (alternative rock/metal, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Luna Amară - Viu

Coma (nu-metal/alternative, Bucuresti, Romania)
Coma - Stai

Local Support:
Denorm (synthwave/postrock, Chisinau)
Denorm – Camelot (live in the Dark Room) 1/3

Delta pe Obraz (alternative/indie rock, Chisinau)

17 noiembrie 2018
Ora  19:00
Chisinau / Club Seven (str. Bucuresti 68)
Tickets: 300 lei (la intrare)
Link event: Luna Amară /Lansare Album/ + Coma live in Chișinău

Vorkuttah a lansat albumul de debut "Lost Forever"

Vorkuttah este un proiect one man band din Chisinau, Moldova creat de catre Vladimir Lensky, cunoscut ca fondator al trupei The Cursed Strain. Pe 26 septembrie 2018, Vorkuttah a lansat albumul de debut intitulat "Lost Forever". Acesta contine 6 piese intrumentale in stil post metal cu o incarcatura emotionala care vine sa descrie trairile interioare ale artistului. Interesant este si numele band-ului, Vorkuttah, inspirat probabil de la Vorkuta - un oras minier din Republica Komi, Rusia, situat la nord de cercul polar arctic, oras care in timpul Uniunii Sovietice a fost infiintat pentru a sustine gulagul Vorkutlag.
Intreg albumul poate fi ascultat pe pagina de bandcamp:

sau pe canalul nostru youtube:

Pagini oficiale:

Thursday, September 20, 2018

In noiembrie Harmasar, SPD si Controversy vor porni in turneu in Romania

Pe 1 noiembrie 2018, trupele moldovenesti Harmasar (Folk/ Pagan Metal, Chisinau), Self Programmed Deaf (Groove Metal, Chisinau) si Controversy (Grindcore, Chisinau) vor porni in turneul "Fall 2018 Tour" ce va include mai multe orase din Romania!

01.11.2018 - Bucuresti @ Underworld
02.11.2018 - Cluj @ Mike's Pub
03.11.2018 - Suceava @ Motor's Pub
04.11.2018 - Iasi @ Rock'n'Rolla

More dates TBA
Turneu organizat de Grom Booking Agency

Monday, September 10, 2018

19-20 octombrie 2018 New Age Brutality Fest 2

Salutare prieteni! Pe 19 octombrie 2018 va invitam la cea de-a doua editie New Age Brutality Fest care va aduna pe aceeasi scena mai multe trupe din zona metal/hardcore/alternative.

Line up:
Self Programmed Deaf - groove metal (Chisinau, Moldova)
Self Programmed Deaf - Polyego

Walk Alone - crossover hardcore punk (Chisinau, Moldova)
WALK ALONE - WARM-BLOODED [Full-lenght 2016]

Controversy - grind (Chisinau, Moldova)
Controversy - grindcore anthem

The Nietzsche - chaotic hardcore/mathcore (Odessa, Ucraina)
The Nietzsche - Shake Your Spear

Before I Die - metalcore (Baia Mare, Romania)
Before I Die - Battle Of Our Lives (Official Video)

Crize - alternative metal (Bucuresti, Romania)
CRIZE | Tot ce a ramas (videoclip oficial)

Space Of Variations - metalcore (Vinnytsya, Ucraina)
Space Of Variations - Deadlight (Official Music Video)

PLEMЯ - experimental etno-metal (Minsk, Belarus)

Massenhinrichtung- black/atmospheric/post-doom metal (Minsk, Belarus)
Clitgore - The Final Cuntdown (Official Music Video)

HARMASAR  - pagan/folk metal (Chisinau, Moldova)
Infected Rain - Orphan Soul (Official Video)

19 octombrie 2018
Club Seven (str. Bucuresti 68, Chisinau, MD)
Abonament 2 zile: 400 lei - iticket

Friday, August 24, 2018

30 septembrie 2018 - Black over Chișinău / Khors / Raventale / Barkasth [UA] @ Seven Club

Salutare! Pe 30 septembrie 2018 va invitam la concertul Black Over Chisinau, unde vecinii nostri din Ucraina Khors, Raventale si Barkasth vor instaura atmosfera intunecata a black metal-ului pe scena clubului Seven din capitala.
Acest concert face parte din turneul european "X Mystified Years" care se va desfasura in tari precum Romania, Moldova, Cehia, Germania, Austria si Slovacia.

KHORS  - Black Metal, Kharkiv, UA

RAVENTALE - Black/Doom Metal, Kiev, UA

BARKASTH - Black Metal, Kharkiv, UA

Duminica 30 septembrie 2018
Club Seven (str. Bucuresti 68), Chisinau, MD
Support artisti: 150 lei
Link event: Black over Chișinău / Khors / Raventale / Barkasth [UA]

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

26 august 2018: Wasa (IT) / Delta pe Obraz / Minroud live in Chisinau

Salutare prieteni. Pe 26 august 2018 va invitam la un nou concert underground. De aceasta data oaspeti ii vom avea pe italienii WASA, o trupa de post hardcore din Milano care canta cu multa pasiune si atitudine.

WASA - post hardcore, Milano, IT

Local support:

MINROUD - post rock, Tiraspol, MD

DELTA PE OBRAZ - alternative, Chisinau, MD

26 august 2018, ora 19:30
Locatia - Pro Sănătate, str. V. Alecsandri 90/1 (intersecția străzilor Alecsandri și Alexandru cel Bun), Chisinau
Suport artisti - 100 lei
Link event: Wasa (IT) / Delta pe Obraz / Minroud

Monday, July 9, 2018

01 august 2018: Pro/Hardcore/Sanatate/ WRCKG (NL) + Local Support

Salutare prieteni! Pe 1 august 2018 va invitam la un nou concert hardcore punk/grindcore/ melodic hardcore, eveniment marca Grom Booking Agency

Line up:
WRCKG - trupa de melodic hardcore din Olanda. Fondată în 2014 trupa a avut mai multe turnee, de data aceasta vor ajunge și în Europa de est.

Alister Mars - trupa de industrial metal, cîștigătoarea concursului POT Music 2018

Walk Alone - hardcore punk din Chisinau, Moldova

Controversy - pure fucking grind din Chisinau, Moldova

01 august 2018
Chisinau, str.Pro Sănătate str. V. Alecsandri 90/1 (intersecția străzilor Alecsandri și Alexandru cel Bun), Barul Pro Sănătate
Suport artiști - 100 MDL.
Sustine miscarea!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Qualen - Patterns of Light [2018]

QUALEN este un proiect one man band din Chisinau, Republica Moldova. Artistul din spatele proiectului este Denis Balan pe care poate-l cunoasteti din activitatea sa in trupa The Cursed Strain (groove metal/deathcore, Chisinau, Moldova). Pe 18 iunie 2018, Qualen a lansat albumul de debut numit "Patterns of Light". Noul release contine 8 piese in limba engleza si stilistic este un mix de melodic death metal si doom. Fanii trupelor precum Insomnium, Wolfheart vor aprecia la sigur acest material.
Albumul este disponibil pe pagina artistului de bandcamp, noi va indemnam sa-l cumparati si sa sustineti financiar acest proiect.

"Patterns of Light" poate fi ascultat si pe canalul nostru de youtube:

Link-uri oficiale:
Qualen on facebook
Qualen on bandcamp

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Interview with Dead Beat (Experimental Crust/Hardcore band from Athens, Greece)

BB: Hello and welcome to our pages!
Dead Beat: Hello! Thank you for this interview and your support!

BB: How the Dead Beat band has started, give us a short story.
Dead Beat: The band was formed in March 2016 with the purpose to experiment mainly in extreme music such as hardcore, crust, grind etc. We were rehearsing for a short time of period in order to create a bond as a band and at the beginning of May 2016 we started the recordings of “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ” EP at Feedback Sound Studios. The EP was released a month ago in digital format, free to download by anyone who’s interested in our band.

BB: On may 9th 2018 you have released the first debut release named “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ” (Paranoia). How was the whole creation process? I’ve noticed that you have added some interesting musical instrument like trombone, trumpet, tsampouna and some different vocals. You knew from the start how the release should sound or it came natural in the composing/recording process?
Dead Beat: The main composing parts were formed individually. However during the recordings we managed to put together what we had in mind right from the beginning; to combine extreme music with all kind of different musical instruments, which usually you don’t encounter in the kind of music we chose to focus. All these instruments gave a completely different touch on the final result of the release which eventually helped us a lot as group but also individually, to realise the true meaning of experimenting. I personally believe that it helped me explore and understand new concepts in music and this motivates me to work and experiment a lot more in the future. 

BB: All these vocals and instruments mentioned above are band members or guest musicians in the band?
Dead Beat: I am glad you asked this question so I have the opportunity to present all the people who contributed to this EP. We consider all of them as members of the band since, as mentioned above, without them the final result would have been completely different. I want to thank them for everything and I wish to work with each and everyone of them again in the future.
Charis. Z. - Trombone, Gregory R. - Vocals, Thalia P. - Vocals, Lambros S. - Vocals, George S. - Vocals, Lina K. - Vocals, Petros K. - Trompet, Dinos Z. - Tsampouna.

BB: All the songs from the album are written in greek, can you please tell us, lyrically what’s the main message of the album? (Or you can tell us the story of one particular song).
Dead Beat: The main subject of the release is the depression, its existence and its various stages while evolving as illness. For example the first song called "Κισσός" (Ivy) describes the rooting and spreading of the illness and it is compared to the plant Ivy; the song “Eλπίδα" (Hope) describes the fight that gives someone who is diagnosed and has also personally realised that suffers from this illness (there are many cases that the person diagnosed with depression does not realise nor accepts it which has grave consequences). I personally believe that the depression is one of the worst illnesses worldwide and if you fight it effectively then in some cases can be positive results; for example the person who suffers could eventually gain something positive during this painful process [this is mentioned in the song "Σκοτάδι" (Darkness)]. I would also like to mention that this release is dedicated to the souls of all the children who have been victims of war; a thing which is implicitly related with the theme of the release.

BB: Dead Beat is a side project band? Because as I know some of you are playing in some different bands.
Dead Beat: No, Dead Beat was formed as a band and not a side project and the reason we formed it is, as mentioned previously, to experiment. Moreover, aside of knowing each other for a long time, we also play in other bands together (with the guitarist we play together in Slavebreed, with the bassist we play in Tantalum, etc.). So there would be no meaning in playing something that we already play in our other bands. Allow me also to mention that the drums are recorded by a good friend, Vangelis F. (Chaotic End, Paroxismos) however from now on our new drummer is going to be Adde M. (Birdflesh, General Surgery).

BB: “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ” will be released on cd’s/vynils any time soon? Have you tried to release your album via some webzines or some labels?
Dead Beat: There is a plan to release this EP in physical format however nothing is sure yet regarding to when. A number of labels and distros were offered to release it in tape and vinyl however the time was passing and nothing really happened since the songs were long ago recorded. The initial plan was to release it through my distro (Noise Attack) however the cost was high (along with the costs of recording, mixing and mastering). So for the time being I chose to upload it on bandcamp so anyone interested can download it gratis (

BB: I know that you’re playing guitar in Slavebreed too. Your last album “Dethrone the Architect” was released in 2012 and the last release was a split with Birdflesh out in 2015. Should we expect a new release this year?
Dead Beat: We are currently on the preproduction of a new release, after a long period of time as you also mentioned. Unfortunately we do not have a specific deadline since along the way we may encounter difficulties, or ideas can change etc. For example at the beginning we started working on a new EP, however we ended up working on a complete new release.

BB: Do you have any final words for our readers?
Dead Beat: Thank you for the interest you showed and your support! Unfortunately I have never been to your country, however I hope to visit you next year! See you!

Official links:

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

8 iulie 2018 - DIY Live: P.F.A. (hc/thrashcore, HU) & NAURU (powerviolence/hc, HU) + Local Support

Salutare prieteni!Brutal Basarabia impreuna cu Ministerul Subculturii si-au unit fortele si isi propun sa exploreze diverse stiluri muzicale din zona undergroud inclusiv punk, hardcore, crust, grindcore si alte subgenuri prin organizarea concertelor live. Primul concert din seria DIY Live va avea loc pe 8 iulie 2018 la care sunt invitate doua trupe din Ungaria.

Line up:
P.F.A. (hardcore punk/thrashcore, Veszprém, Ungaria)
Influentati de trupe precum Black Sabbath si NOFX, cinci prieteni din Veszprém, Ungaria au hotarat prin 2006 sa dea un nume rau punk-ului si s-au apucat de muzica. Au ales sa cante un punk rapid cu influente thrash. De-a lungul timpului au lansat 8 materiale discografice printre care doua split-uri cu NewDeadProject si Dance or Die.

NAURU (powerviolence/hardcore, Veszprém, Ungaria)
Nauru este un trio band din acelasi oras, care de asemenea au ales sa cante muzica rapida dar ceva mai apasatoare si anume au combinat muzica powerviolence/grindcore/hardcore/punk. Este o trupa tanara, formata in 2017 si au lansat in acelasi an primul material discografic numit "I".

WALK ALONE (crossover hardcore, Chisinau, Moldova)
Walk Alone este o trupa hardcore punk/crossover din Chisinau formata in 2011. Este probabil unica trupa din scena hc/punk si cred ca una din cele mai perseverente trupe de pe la noi. Au la activ un demo, un EP si un album de studio numit "Warm-Blooded" lansat in 2016.

SELF PROGRAMMED DEAF (groove metal, Chisinau, Moldova)
S.P.D. este o trupa formata in 2010. De atunci au trecut prin mai multe schimbari de componenta si de stil ca acum sa dea cu un groove metal straight in your face.

Duminica, 8 iulie 2018
Open doors: 19:00
Barul Pro Sanatate, Chisinau, str. Vasile Alecsandri 90/1, intersectia strazilor V. Alecsandri si Alexandru cel Bun.
Support artisti: 100 lei
Link event: Diy Live: Nauru & PFA + Local Support

Sustine Miscarea!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

2 iunie 2018 - SCANDAL Concert Aniversar 20 ani - Bucuresti, Quantic

Legendara trupa punk SCANDAL din Bacau, in prezent stabiliti la Londra vor sustine un concert aniversar 20 ani la Bucuresti. Pe 2 iunie sunteti asteptati in clubul Quantic din capitala Romaniei sa va distrati pe ritmuri de punk cinstit, sa ascultati piese vechi cum ar fi celebrul imn anti-milite "Patrula" dar si piese noi extrase de pe cel mai recent album "On a Roll" lansat in februarie anul curent.

Link-uri oficiale:

Local support:
Damage Case (Speed/Thrash/Metalpunk, Bucuresti, Romania)

Magazinu' 51(Punk rock/ ska-punk, Pitesti, Romania)

Concertul aniversar Scandal este o productie Axa Valaha Productions
Link event: Scandal - concert aniversar - 2 iunie, Bucuresti, Quantic

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

09.06.2018 - Luna Amara live in Chisinau

Salutare prieteni. Dupa aproximativ un an, pe 9 iunie 2018 trupa Luna Amara revine la Chisinau cu un concert live!

Line up:
Luna Amara (alternative rock/metal, Cluj, Romania)
Luna Amara - Ego Nr.4

Denorm (Chisinau, Moldova)
Denorm – You and I (live in the Dark Room)

The Wax Road (hard rock/blues, Ungheni, Moldova)
The Wax Road - Do Things Right | Clip (Part 1)

9 iunie 2018
Club Seven, Chisinau, MD
Bilete disponibile pe
Link event: Luna Amară live in Chișinău

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Blutrină au lansat EP-ul "DiscoBallz"

BLUTRINA (Grindcore, Timisoara, Romania) au lansat EP-ul "DiscoBallz" prin intermediul Loud Rage Music. Noul material discografic contine mai multe cover-uri ale unor piese celebre Michael Jackson, George Michael, MC Hammer, Salt’n’Pepa, Prodigy sau The Trashmen.
EP-ul este disponibil in format digital / free download:

Link-uri oficiale:

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

20 octombrie 2018 - ROTTING CHRIST live in Chisinau

Salutare prieteni. Concertul trupei ROTTING CHRIST din Chisinau, programat in iulie, a fost amanat si se va tine pe 20 octombrie 2018. Revenim cu detalii.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Interview with Mark "Barney" Greenway (Napalm Death)

BB: Hello and welcome to Moldova.
Mark: Hello and thank you.

BB: Napalm death has been together for 37 years now, it’s quite a long time. Looking back how would you describe this journey and what’s the secret of the longevity?
Mark: It’s a microcosm of life itself so there’s been many good, sometimes bad, sometimes average experiences, but it’s been something that 99% of people will never do, so for that we have to be thankful and of course to be able to make music like napalm death with your own ideas is great, it’s not something to be taken easily, it’s a very big thing actually.

BB: As a band, you have an impressive amount of releases over the years. From where do you get the inspiration and what drives you to go on?
Mark: We just seem to have the impetus to carry on. Of course there are days when it’s not such fun for various reasons but generally speaking we always have inspiration and we seem to get results for ourselves that make it worthwhile in terms of creativity, that pushes you forward. In the 90s was difficult for the genre so what we decided that we wanted to just carry on and we did, when not so many people were turning up for concerts, then we decided: let’s just carry on, a lot of bands went but we stayed. 

BB: Regarding the napalm death’s lyrics, the human and animal rights is an important subject to you. Do you think that the perception and the awareness of the society about it has been changed over the past 20 years?
Mark: I think there’s a lot more recognition now. The animals are sentient beings , of course they are, it’s obvious but I think there’s a lot more realization that you wouldn’t behave to human beings the way human beings behave sometimes to animals. So what’s the difference? Ok they can’t communicate in the same way that we can but they certainly have the nervous systems on their ability to feel pain, we know this.

BB: Punk is a big lyrically and musically influence for you. What does punk culture mean to you?
Mark: Well it means being free to express ideas and choosing making your own choices, not being told by somebody else what to do or how to style the band. Independent thought is always our kind of goal. Also then music, punk music, hardcore punk from the mid 80s to late 80s.

BB: I’ve noticed that you do really enjoy the live shows. Despite the long tours and the tiredness you put a lot of energy on the stage. How important are live performances to you?
Mark: My attitude is : you’ve got to make it the best it can be. If you don’t - you’re cheating the people that coming, because people don’t have to come and pay to see a concert though, they can go and do something else, so surely you make it as good as you can.

BB: How the WINTER ASSAULT TOUR is going so far?

Mark: The Winter Assault Tour has been great, Eastern Central Europe it’s been fun, Czech which we’ve done many times, Ukraine, now here in Chisinau, after Romania and then to finish off in Hungary. 

BB: What are the Napalm Death’s plans for the near future?
Mark: We’re still working on next album, next studio album that will come when it comes and then we got just some touring lined up before the end of the year.

BB: Have you ever imagined how would your life have been if you were not a part of napalm death?
Mark: Well I started off as an engineer that’s what I was doing in car industry so probably would have done that until machines took over the jobs.. but there are many things, I’ve always been a person that in life I feel that I want to do several different things, not just one thing so whenever napalm death is over for me or maybe the other guys then I will look to do something else...

BB: Can you recommend to our readers a few of your favourite books?

Mark: I actually read a lot of soviet history, that’s my favorite subject, well that’s what I want to do…I would love to be like a historian soviet, you know, academically. There’s one on North Korea that I’m reading right now, which examines the psychology of North Korea, not necessarily the thing that everybody already thinks that they know but the psychology, what makes people that way, I can’t remember the name of the book I must be honest. I read a "Mitrokhin Archive" which is actually a book of KGB, all the agents that were in the KGB are all listed in this book. There’s a book called "Stasiland" which is about East Germany, which is more light, less technical details but more about the experience of living in East Germany during the soviet era which is pretty interesting. It’s more aimed at casual readers, it’s not a very cold history book but it’s really good read actually.

BB: Do you have any final words for those who will read our intervierw?
Mark: Thanks, it’s nice to be in Moldova, thanks to people supporting us and I realized that this concert happen because several people got together and it’s actually quite humbling to discover that.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

KILLER VICTIM au lansat albumul de debut: TERROR STATE [2018]

Trupa Killer Victim (hardcore/punk/metal, Bucuresti, Romania) a lansat albumul de debut numit "Terror State" disponibil in format electronic pe pagina de bandcamp iar din 23 martie disponibil si in format fizic. Pe 23 martie Killer Victim vor lansa "Terror State" si Ropeburn vor lansa "Boundaries of Self Indulgence" intr-un concert live in Bucuresti.

Albumul "Terror State" poate fi ascultat mai jos:

Link-uri oficiale:

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Metal Heads Mission Fest - Booking Bands

Unul din cele mai longevive festivaluri metal din regiune, METAL HEADS MISSION, a inceput selectia trupelor pentru editia din 2018. MHM Fest se va desfasura in perioada 1 - 5 august 2018 in Ucraina, Regiunea Odessa, Zatoka health resort.
Mai multe informatii despre participarea la selectia trupelor gasiti aici: MHM Fest Booking Bands
Indemnam trupele din Moldova si Romania sa aplice! Curaj!

Site oficial: MHM FEST

05 mai 2018 - Prapad Fest @ Chisinau, MD

Salutare prieteni! Trupa Harmasar impreuna cu Grom Booking Agency prezinta cea de-a doua editie a festivalului Prapad Fest!

Primele trupe confirmate sunt:
1000facez - Punk/Indie/Electronic /MD
Etaj'Live #8. 1000facez

Gunstruck - Modern Metal / Suedia
GUNSTRUCK - Judas My Guide

Riot Monk - Alternative Metal /RO/
RIOT MONK - Orisicui [SINGLE - 2018]

1914 - Blackened Death/Doom /UA
1914 - Stoßtrupp 1917 [official lyric video]

Harmasar - Pagan/Folk Metal /MD
Harmasar - Vaslui 1475

Bucovina - Pagan/Heavy Metal/RO
Bucovina - Veacul Ruinei

Mai multe trupe vor fi anuntate in curand!
Locatie: Club Seven (str. Bucuresti 68, fostul club Studio)
Primele 50 de bilete pre-sale sunt la un preț promoțional de 150 de lei.Link event: Prăpăd Fest 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018

ROTHEADS - Sewer Fiends [2018]

Pe 22 ianuarie 2018, ROTHEADS (Old school death metal, Bucuresti, Romania) au lansat albumul "Sewer Fiends" prin intermendiul casei de discuri Memento Mori (Spania). Noul material discografic poate fi asultat mai jos:

Albumul "Sewer Fiends" va fi disponibil in curand in format fizic (CD) via Memento Mori sau direct de la trupa.
Fanii trupelor ca Asphyx, Autopsy, Entombed sigur vor aprecia acest minunat release.

Link-uri oficiale:

Friday, February 9, 2018


CRIMENA este o trupa groove/death metal din Craiova, Romania formata in 2012. In 2015 au lansat EP-ul Genesis VI​:​XIII iar in 2016, albumul de debut "Chapter One: Divine Betrayal". Pe 8 februarie 2018 au lansat videoclipul piesei "Declaration of War", extrasa de pe urmatorul album de studio.
Noul videoclip poate fi urmarit aici: CRIMENA - Declaration of War (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

Link-uri oficiale:

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

KILLER VICTIM a dezvaluit coperta albumului de debut

Trupa KILLER VICTIM (hardcore/punk/metal, Bucuresti,Romania) a dezvaluit coperta albumului de debut "Terror State" si primul single extras de pe album - "Cetățean Model", pe care-l puteti audia aici: KILLER VICTIM - Cetățean Model.
Mai multe detalii curand.

Link-uri oficiale:
Killer Victim on Facebook
Killer Victim on Youtube