BB: Hello and welcome to our pages!
Dead Beat: Hello! Thank you for this interview and
your support!
BB: How the Dead Beat band has started, give us a short story.
Dead Beat: The band was formed in March 2016 with the
purpose to experiment mainly in extreme music such as hardcore, crust, grind
etc. We were rehearsing for a short time of period in order to create a bond as
a band and at the beginning of May 2016 we started the recordings of “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ”
EP at Feedback Sound Studios. The EP was released a month ago in digital format,
free to download by anyone who’s interested in our band.
BB: On may 9th 2018 you have released the first debut release named “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ”
(Paranoia). How was the whole creation process? I’ve noticed that you have added
some interesting musical instrument like trombone, trumpet, tsampouna and some different vocals. You knew from the start
how the release should sound or it came natural in the composing/recording process?
Dead Beat: The main composing parts were formed
individually. However during the recordings we managed to put together what we
had in mind right from the beginning; to combine extreme music with all kind of
different musical instruments, which usually you don’t encounter in the kind of
music we chose to focus. All these instruments gave a completely different
touch on the final result of the release which eventually helped us a lot as
group but also individually, to realise the true meaning of experimenting. I
personally believe that it helped me explore and understand new concepts in
music and this motivates me to work and experiment a lot more in the
BB: All these vocals and instruments mentioned above are band members or guest
musicians in the band?
Dead Beat: I am glad you asked this question so I have
the opportunity to present all the people who contributed to this EP. We
consider all of them as members of the band since, as mentioned above, without
them the final result would have been completely different. I want to thank
them for everything and I wish to work with each and everyone of them again in
the future.
Charis. Z. - Trombone, Gregory R. - Vocals,
Thalia P. - Vocals, Lambros S. - Vocals, George S. - Vocals, Lina K. - Vocals,
Petros K. - Trompet, Dinos Z. - Tsampouna.
BB: All the songs from the album are written in greek, can you please tell us,
lyrically what’s the main message of the album? (Or you can tell us the story of one particular song).
Dead Beat: The main subject of the release is the
depression, its existence and its various stages while evolving as illness. For
example the first song called "Κισσός" (Ivy) describes the rooting
and spreading of the illness and it is compared to the plant Ivy; the song
“Eλπίδα" (Hope) describes the fight that gives someone who is diagnosed
and has also personally realised that suffers from this illness (there are many
cases that the person diagnosed with depression does not realise nor accepts it
which has grave consequences). I personally believe that the depression is one
of the worst illnesses worldwide and if you fight it effectively then in some
cases can be positive results; for example the person who suffers could
eventually gain something positive during this painful process [this is
mentioned in the song "Σκοτάδι" (Darkness)]. I would also like to
mention that this release is dedicated to the souls of all the children who
have been victims of war; a thing which is implicitly related with the theme of
the release.

BB: Dead Beat is a side project band? Because as I know some of you are playing in
some different bands.
Dead Beat: No, Dead Beat was formed as a band and not
a side project and the reason we formed it is, as mentioned previously, to
experiment. Moreover, aside of knowing each other for a long time, we also play
in other bands together (with the guitarist we play together in Slavebreed,
with the bassist we play in Tantalum, etc.). So there would be no meaning in
playing something that we already play in our other bands. Allow me also to
mention that the drums are recorded by a good friend, Vangelis F. (Chaotic End,
Paroxismos) however from now on our new drummer is going to be Adde M.
(Birdflesh, General Surgery).
BB: “ΠΑΡΑΝΟΙΑ” will be released on cd’s/vynils any time soon? Have you tried to
release your album via some webzines or some labels?
Dead Beat: There is a plan to release this EP in
physical format however nothing is sure yet regarding to when. A number of
labels and distros were offered to release it in tape and vinyl however the
time was passing and nothing really happened since the songs were long ago
recorded. The initial plan was to release it through my distro (Noise Attack)
however the cost was high (along with the costs of recording, mixing and
mastering). So for the time being I chose to upload it on bandcamp so anyone
interested can download it gratis
know that you’re playing guitar in Slavebreed too. Your last album “Dethrone
the Architect” was released in 2012 and the last release was a split with Birdflesh out in 2015. Should we expect a new
release this year?
Dead Beat: We are currently on the preproduction of a
new release, after a long period of time as you also mentioned. Unfortunately
we do not have a specific deadline since along the way we may encounter
difficulties, or ideas can change etc. For example at the beginning we started
working on a new EP, however we ended up working on a complete new release.
BB: Do you have any final words for our readers?
Dead Beat: Thank you for the interest you showed and
your support! Unfortunately I have never been to your country, however I hope
to visit you next year! See you!
Official links: