Diego: Sure Theo..watts up? This is fine \m/
BB: You've just finished ''Tyrannizing Europe'' tour, and I hope you remain a satisfied. What emotions are at the end?
Diego: We're sad its over! All the bands were real cool, and it was a total pleasure to tour with them.
BB: Now, what are your plans for the future, any tours or you are working on the new album?
Diego: We're taking a couple months off playing shows to get another new song done, then possibly something with Deicide in march, and some fests in Europe in may.
BB: Which of the latest releases have made the greatest impression on you? Can you now identify some candidates to get into the top final year?

BB: What about your other projects? To Violently Vomit and Obscured Secretions, demo from 2011 was sick as fuck man, and I hope you'll make a full lenght someda
Diego: Obscured Secretions was a REAL QUICK project I had done after not playing for two years (after Ben passed) and is super rough:/ I'll release the other four songs some day. And I've got two original TVV tracks I wrote with Scott (drummer). Disgorge and life has my plate full for the time being ha! I'll release a lot of hidden projects I've got some day...strictly for fun though:)
BB: Yeah, Benjamin was a super guy and tallented musician, on january 2nd it marks 6 years since he died, are you planning something in memoriam? It would be cool i think:)
Diego: Childhood friends outside of metal usually have a barbeque for his birthday every year. Always a good reason to reconnect :D
BB: By the way, speaking of members, I noticed that in recent years you made some experiments with vocalists, Nate from Gortuary and A.J. Magana, I thought Magana will remain in the band, but voila and we see that on microphone comes another beast in the name of Angel Ochoa, one of the best vocalists in the brutal death metal scene today. He will be a permanent member? a little comment please.
Diego: The only reason we ever change vocalists is because they cannot tour at some point..we remain friends with all of them \m/ Disgorge wants to be a touring band with the same line up, and unfortunately we've had to go through a couple members. But, we made closer friends I think we're there again..Angel and Soria fit in VERY well, and do they're homework so its a nice fit!
Diego: Obscured Secretions was a REAL QUICK project I had done after not playing for two years (after Ben passed) and is super rough:/ I'll release the other four songs some day. And I've got two original TVV tracks I wrote with Scott (drummer). Disgorge and life has my plate full for the time being ha! I'll release a lot of hidden projects I've got some day...strictly for fun though:)
BB: Yeah, Benjamin was a super guy and tallented musician, on january 2nd it marks 6 years since he died, are you planning something in memoriam? It would be cool i think:)
Diego: Childhood friends outside of metal usually have a barbeque for his birthday every year. Always a good reason to reconnect :D

Diego: The only reason we ever change vocalists is because they cannot tour at some point..we remain friends with all of them \m/ Disgorge wants to be a touring band with the same line up, and unfortunately we've had to go through a couple members. But, we made closer friends I think we're there again..Angel and Soria fit in VERY well, and do they're homework so its a nice fit!
BB: Do you remember how you started to play guitar?
Diego: My big brother Joe bought me my 1st guitar in middle school..then after a couple years of summer jobs I built up my used gear haha. Learned on my own and was able to write since the beginning, coming from a musical background:) Some real good advise I can give after finally realizing too far in the game, is to concentrate more on you're picking hand than your fret hand!! ...and be humble \m/
BB: Could you tell me what guitars and equipment do you use?
Diego: I play a BC Rich beast..A boss VF1 preamp, bbe sonic maximizer, and I trade off with Marshall 9200, mesa strategy 400, and my friend Jason Moore at Mooresound built a power amp for me:) Tubes are expensive..wish I could go back to my solid state line 6 flex tone head!! I gotta get some new equipment!!!
BB: It is clear that you are a living legend for a lot of young guitarists from worldwide.. and i like to know, have you any favorite guitarists? and which of them inspired you the most?
Diego: I liked Trey and Jack's writing A LOT when I was starting out, then after seein Ol' Hobbs and Cerrito live it was all over:) Still trying to catch up to Terrance \m/ Guy does a great job man! Rutan too!! 15 Years of writing and Ed (Ruttan) is the one that tells me to shred with my picking hand haha love that dude man :D
BB: Hehe, I would like to see ya jamming with Hoobs together, this stuff would be monstrous \m/ both with B.C.Rich)) shit, that thing crush:))
Diego: Haha me too\m/
BB: What other types of music do you like to hear apart from death metal?
Diego: All styles actually...sorry to disappoint some people, but I like a lot of jazz, hip hop, and deftones or radiohead type stuff. If I hear a death metal CD and I liked , I play it for like a month til I know it, then back to mellow tunes ha! When u get home I'll have the new Necrotic Disgorgement, Mortal Decay, Beheaded, and Deicide to jam, so I' have an ear full of METAL for a while!
BB: I understand you perfectly, I think the principal in music is to be honest and have ''soul'', whatever genre it belongs, then creation will have a long live, like yours for example. After so many years even demo or cranial imaplement sounds really cool and fresh, better than other faggots from today :)) haha
Diego: Killer man, thank you!!)
BB: And at the final, if you want, add a few words for the readers Brutal Basarabia and all moldovian metal maniacs!
Diego: To all the shredders..KEEP SHREDDIN!!! There is a lot of love between musicians and fans in this scene, and we are all one in the same, its fuckin KILLER \m/ You can travel the world playing musick nobody likes hahaha. But, somebody out there does!!! And thanx to the Internet, they'll do what it takes to bring you out..we are a lucky chosen few!! The 'Wizard' is out hahaha, and thank you brother again for the support! \m/ Good luck with everything! Salud = Health..in Mexican spanish haha))
@ Misarubka
Diego: My big brother Joe bought me my 1st guitar in middle school..then after a couple years of summer jobs I built up my used gear haha. Learned on my own and was able to write since the beginning, coming from a musical background:) Some real good advise I can give after finally realizing too far in the game, is to concentrate more on you're picking hand than your fret hand!! ...and be humble \m/
BB: Could you tell me what guitars and equipment do you use?

BB: It is clear that you are a living legend for a lot of young guitarists from worldwide.. and i like to know, have you any favorite guitarists? and which of them inspired you the most?
Diego: I liked Trey and Jack's writing A LOT when I was starting out, then after seein Ol' Hobbs and Cerrito live it was all over:) Still trying to catch up to Terrance \m/ Guy does a great job man! Rutan too!! 15 Years of writing and Ed (Ruttan) is the one that tells me to shred with my picking hand haha love that dude man :D
BB: Hehe, I would like to see ya jamming with Hoobs together, this stuff would be monstrous \m/ both with B.C.Rich)) shit, that thing crush:))
Diego: Haha me too\m/
BB: What other types of music do you like to hear apart from death metal?

BB: I understand you perfectly, I think the principal in music is to be honest and have ''soul'', whatever genre it belongs, then creation will have a long live, like yours for example. After so many years even demo or cranial imaplement sounds really cool and fresh, better than other faggots from today :)) haha
Diego: Killer man, thank you!!)
BB: And at the final, if you want, add a few words for the readers Brutal Basarabia and all moldovian metal maniacs!

@ Misarubka